Destiny 2 Season of Dawn has officially begun, and that means players may be looking for 15 Vex Transformers scattered across Mercury, Nessus and Io. Osiris may call this quest An Impossible Task, but we'll show you how to get it done quick and easy.
Because some of these glowing Transformers may be located off in the distance, we recommend having a good Scout Rifle at your side.
Nessus Vex Transformers
Artifact's Edge: Here's the map location for those who need it.
Before hopping down just turn to the left, and you'll see it off in the distance.
Arcadian Valley In the Tangle: The map will take you here.
Now you need to climb under this big tree. You'll see the Transponder glowing in the distance.
Arcadian Valley in the Hallows: Here is the marked map location.
When you've reached here, keep going forward but take the path that winds off to the left.
In the next room, hop up and you'll see this little area where the Vex Transformer is hiding.
Exodus Black: Start at this map location.
Then pull off into these winding caves to the east.
At the end of the path you'll come to a large cave opening. Look up into the vines, and you'll see a glowing Vex Transformer.
Glade of Echoes: This is the map location.
In this wide open area, the Transformer is hiding behind a bunch of scrap metal.
Io Vex Transformers
The Rupture: This is the map location.
Head south from the landing zone while following the marker, and you'll reach Pyramidion.
Hop up to the glowing area shown here.
As you do, you'll see this little alcove off to the left. The Transformer is inside.
Sanctum of Bones: Start from here.
Go through this cave entrance, following the winding paths, and you'll eventually come to the Sanctum of Bones Lost Sector.
Climb up these rocks to the left, hop straight up them, and you'll come to a small alcove with the Transformer on your right.
Lost Oasis: Go to the huge tree in the center of the area, tuck under the trunk and look up. You can't miss this Transformer.
Excavation Site II: Use the Giant's Scar spawn and make your way into Excavation Site II as normal.
Go through the large main entrance here.
In the next room, tucked off in the corner to the right is this blocked door. You can shoot the Transformer from a distance.
Terrabase Charon: From the Lost Oasis spawn, go north till you reach the Terrabase Charon.
A message will appear on screen as you do. You can't miss the Transformer as soon as you approach the entrance.
Mercury Transformers
The Lighthouse: Here's the location. The Transformer is behind the Lighthouse.
From the top of the Lighthouse jump down to the right, go past the banner on the wall and you'll reach these rocks.
Hop up top, and you'll see the Transformer on your right.
The Lighthouse 2: Here's the spot on the map.
From here go east, behind the waterfall near the Mercury Public Event. Tucked in the corner to the right is the Transformer.
Lighthouse 3: Just look above you from the marked spot.
Lighthouse 4: This is the spot on the map.
From here, simply jump down as shown.
Lighthouse 5: Start with the map shown here.
From this spot just shoot the Transformer straight across. After that you will have completed the Impossible Task quest.
Destiny 2 is available now on PS4, Xbox One and PC.
Were you able to find all 15 Vex Transformers? What are your thoughts on the Season of Dawn so far? Tell us in the comments section!
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